126 Chandler Street

In pursuit of our mission to rehabilitate vacant, blighted buildings, Worcester Common Ground is hoping to convert an old razor factory and garage into a 31-unit affordable housing project. A One-Stop funding application was submitted to the Department of Community Housing and Development in February and we are awaiting their decision. Our plan is to rehabilitate this space by working within the already standing structure of 126 Chandler and demolishing 120 Chandler. We will then build outwards from 126 to create a 31 unit housing project that includes a combination of two, three, and four bedroom apartments. We recognize the demand for quality affordable housing in Worcester, notably Piedmont, and are working tirelessly to address the shortage. This space would be our first large-scale housing unit since 2010, with a 30 unit project at 9 May St. This building is close to Chandler Elementary school, accessible to major WRTA routes, and around the corner from our Bioshelter. Rehabilitating old buildings preserves the city’s architectural history while repurposing the space to address needs like affordable housing and community space. We are excited about including commercial and community space on the first floor and the potential for a rooftop garden – the first in the city!

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21 Jacques Avenue

Our latest small-scale affordable housing project at 21 Jaques Ave will be completed in August. The project consists of 4, two-bedroom units which are financially accessible for households whose annual income is equal to or less than 50% of the area’s median income (AMI), with two units supported by the Department of Mental Health and one for a Transitional Homeless individual. Just down the block from our Bioshelter and Chandler Elementary School, this area holds several community assets relative to activity and engagement in this neighborhood.

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