109 Piedmont Street

This foreclosed property was purchased by Worcester Common Ground (WCG) in 2008. During the project pipeline development phase (during which sufficient units are acquired to qualify for federal and state funding streams), the building was the site for a neighborhood art project, which, instead of the standard brown plywood, covered windows with colorful paintings done by local children (84 Piedmont was also a home to some of these pieces). The goal of the art was to reduce blight, demonstrate community commitment to the properties and visually represent the neighborhood’s hopes for the future of the buildings. 109 Piedmont Street’s rehabilitation was part of the Austin Corridor II project and included sympathetic restoration of the building’s peaked roof and original corbels (now picked out in a festive red). Individual balconies give each residence a covered outdoor space overlooking Piedmont Street, a major thoroughfare between Chandler and Pleasant Streets. 109 Piedmont is managed by Maloney Properties and rental inquiries can be directed to (508) 752-0833.